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On this page, we have collected a number of useful links to help you access advice and support; click on the underlined word 'here' to be taken to the relevant page. This list will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. If you find some of the links do not work, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected].

Information about Covid-19

It is important to keep informed and to choose reliable sources of information. 

It is also crucial that we all follow the Government Guidelines which will help slow the spread of Covid-19 and as a result, help the NHS by reducing the number of serious cases they have to treat at the same time.

  • The Government Guidelines can be found here

The NHS has created a very useful guide providing advice about the Coronavirus, with clear do's and don'ts; the advice is clearly adapted to the general public, people at high risk, advice for people who are self isolating and more.

  • The NHS Advice pages can be found here

If you think you may be developing symptoms of Covid-19, use the NHS online symptom checker.

  • The online symptom checker can be found here


The following charities have produced guides for those who suffer specific conditions: 

If you suffer from asthma, check Asthma UK - click here

If you suffer from COPD or other lung conditions, check the British Lung Foundation - click here

If you suffer from arthritis, check Versus Arthritis - click here

If you suffer from heart or circulatory disease, check British Heart Foundation - click here

If you are a stroke survivor, check Stroke Association - click here

Mental Health

Emotional and mental health support for anyone identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderfluid Mindline Trans+  - click here

Advice on how to take care of your mental health with the Mental Health Foundation - click here

Advice on how to take care of your mental health by the Samaritans - click here

Online help for LGBTQ people, from MindOut, a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people with  experience of mental health issues - click here

The NHS Every Mind Matters has produced a brief guide on how to cope with anxiety about Covid-19 - click here

The Lesbian and Gay Switchboard a 'a place for calm words when you need them most' - click here 

Rehab 4 Addiction assists those affected by substance misuse and their loved ones - click here

Getting help

Most Age UK branches have had to close their face to face provision but continue to provide help to the most vulnerable and isolated. Many have set up emergency support services such as food parcels deliveries, prescription collections and others. Many have joined forces with their local council and will give alternative numbers to access urgent help on their website. The link below will take you to a central Age UK page which lists all local branches in London with, in turn, links to the local Age UK website. 

For a list of Age UK branches in London, click here


If you need help with shopping, remember that most major supermarkets have put in place extended hours and reserved some of these hours for people who are vulnerable or elderly.

  • Tesco

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9am - 10am will be dedicated to elderly and vulnerable customers

  • Sainsbury's

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8am - 9am will be dedicated to elderly and disabled customers, as well as their carers.

  •  Marks and Spencer

Mondays and Thursdays - the first hour of trading will be dedicated to older and vulnerable customers

  •  Waitrose

Every day - the first hour of opening - 8am - 9am - will be dedicated to the elderly and the vulnerable, plus their carers.

  •  Co-op

Monday to Saturday, 8am - 9am and Sundays, 10am - 11am, will be dedicated to elderly and vulnerable shoppers

  •  Iceland

Contact your local Iceland Supermarket for more information.

  •  Iceland Food Warehouse stores

Monday - Saturday, 8am - 9am - offering priority to elderly and vulnerable customers

  •  Asda

Urging people to start shopping after 9am to give the elderly and vulnerable a chance to shop but there are currently no dedicated shopping times for these customers. 

  •  Aldi

Currently no dedicated shopping times for these customers. 

  •  Lidl

Currently no dedicated shopping times for these customers. 

  •  Morrisons

Currently no dedicated shopping times but have welcome workers from Marie Curie and CLIC Sargent charity shops - whose doors may need to close due to the current Coronavirus crisis - to help support elderly and vulnerable customers in their stores.

  • Mutual Aid (remember that individuals should leave your shopping outside your door and move away)

The community response to the crisis has been fantastic with countless mutual aid groups springing up from everywhere!

If you fill in a Queercare COVID-19 online form with details of what you need, someone will volunteer to help you out - click here


If you use a prepay meter and you cannot go out to top up your key, you should contact your supplier. 

New emergency measures with the energy industry have been agreed by the government to protect the domestic energy supply of those most in need during the disruption caused by COVID-19. Customers with pre-payment meters who may not be able to add credit can speak to their supplier about options to keep them supplied. (click here to read the full press release) 

Here are the contact numbers for most energy companies:

British Gas will act on a case by case basis -  call 0333 202 9802

EDF says it can post top-up cards or keys loaded with credit to your home - call 0333 200 5100

E.on says if your electricity meter falls below 50p of emergency credit, or you're off supply for gas, it can either send a card or key in the post, or it will send an engineer round to top up for you - call 0345 052 0000

Npower - call 0800 073 3000

Scottish Power - call 0800 027 0072

SSE is now owned by Ovo - call 0345 026 2658

Bulb says it can post top-up cards or keys loaded with credit to your home - call 0300 303 0635

Co-op Energy Co-op is now run by Octopus Energy - call 0800 093 7547

E Energy - call 0333 103 9575

Green Network Energy - call 0800 520 0202

Green Star Energy - call 0800 012 4510

Omni Energy - call 0113 457 3219

Ovo (prepayment customers are supplied under the brand 'Boost’)  - call 0330 102 7517

Robin Hood - call 0800 030 4567

Utilita - call 0345 207 2000

The Utility Warehouse - call 0333 777 0777

Please let us know if any link is broken by sending an email to [email protected]